Chessi Eder

A bright-eyed Midlander with a ready smile and freely given trust.

Even before the Calamity, the Eder family seemed to be... well... just ...cursed.

Years of failed crops made Rev Eder's attempts to live on his own--and not beholden to his elder brother, Les--a laughable struggle. Two stillborn children and a dead wife left him unable to cope with the one child that had managed to survive past the age of five.

And living with his brother's silent, smug judgement regarding his choices made it almost a relief when the Calamity caused Rev's death.

As Rev's sole heir, Chessi logically should have inherited the small patch of land just north of the Gridania-Thanalan border that Rev had painstakingly purchased and cleared.

Logic and Chessi, however, have only the most passing acquaintance.

As the recipient of her father's rage and frustration, it never occurred to Chessi to question why her uncle behaved in precisely the same way. Her looks reminded Rev of her dead mother; her presence reminded Les of his brother's laughable failure. Growing up with men who didn't hesitate at all to unleash their temper on her, Chessi believed absolutely that everything that went wrong was her fault.

That didn't change with the Calamity. Nothing did, save for the fact that Les had a new hold over his niece. Being her only living relative, Les correctly pointed out to her that if he disowned her, Chessi wouldn't have any family.

He neglected to point out that she'd likely be better off without him.

And rather than lose what single bit of family she has, Chessi threw herself into doing everything possible to please her uncle. From running his alcohol from Thanalan to Gridania to Ishgard and back to enduring 'visitors' sent out back to the gardening shed she lives in... Chessi's hungry for praise and family and she'll do anything that her uncle asks.


Chessi's main feature--the one everyone notices almost immediately--is that she is... well... She's just not that bright.

And she knows it.

Beneath that cheerful acceptance of her own stupidity--and the constant apologies for being stupid--is a very, very lonely woman.

Chessi genuinely believes the best of everyone, even if she's vaguely aware that not everyone in the world is completely nice. She's always willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt or offer whatever she has in order to make their day better.

Although she's certainly not a pushover when it comes to standing by her morals--such as doing the right thing, as she sees it--Chessi's grasp on what's "right" is easily influenced by smooth talkers and manipulative people. She's done a little time in local jails for that reason; a couple of slick-tongued criminals left her holding the bag and Chessi didn't have better sense than to admit that she'd helped them.

Of course, no self-respecting legal authority could fail to notice how readily she admitted to her involvement and Chessi has never been held culpable for the things she was left red-handed over.

Affectionate to a fault and fiercely loyal to anyone who shows her kindness, Chessi hands out kisses, hugs and even her body without thinking twice. Truly believing that her presence has no value and that she is a constant annoyance to those around her, Chessi's self-esteem is basically non-existent.

If asked, all she'd say is that she hopes to be told one day that she did a good job.